Hi stranger! I’m a 28 year old software engineer from city of Banja Luka. Most likely you never heard of it, so I pinned it here just to have a sense how far I am from you. 😉
I’ve mostly done my professional work with C, C++ and Python - this is the tech that I’m most comfortable with, but I don’t shy away from any other tool that exists out there.
Low-level apps, desktop apps and web apps - this is what I have under my belt and I like to think that I’ve made a lot of cool stuff over the years.
You will find here software related stuff that I want to share, which is a major reason why this exists in the first place, but I won’t restrict myself to only one matter. I think I can offer some interesting insights and it will for sure make me to spend more of my free time doing something useful for ‘community’. It is not like I’m expecting huuuge amount (in fact, it might be that only my brother and friends are going to visit this few times 😅) of visitors - but I’ll be delighted if I bring someone from time to time back to this site thinking positively about it.
For some time, I want to have a diary of my own that I can lookup and check my general progress and activity. It feels good when you look at the old photos and recall the good moments - I want to achieve something similar with this.
That being said, head to blog section and check if you can find something that is worth your time. 😉